Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Most Important Part of A New Friendship

Those first few weeks are the most crucial time in a new friendship.Those first two weeks of texting and the occasional "Hey, I'm bored, what's up?" phone calls can make or a possible fuck buddy. But how do we classifier a fuck buddy?

First Class Fuck Buddy (Friend with benefits)-
This is what you want. This is the fuck buddy you can call at 4am, and say "Hey, babe, I'm so depressed, can you come over now?!" and they will either say "FUCK ARE YOU CRAZY" or "Aw, what's wrong? Okay, I'll be right over" (though the latter is most likely) and both ways, you'll still be friends/fuck buddies afterwards. This fuck buddy is a friend with benefit. You can go out socially, and not think twice about it. Many times, this relationship is ruined when one of the fuck buddies develops feelings for the other. If the other doesn't feel the same, the relationship is doomed, but if they do... this could be a winning relationship.

Second Class Fuck Buddies (Simply bed buddies)-
This is a "no-strings-attached", strictly for fucking kind of friend. While you may spend the night, and even be treated to dinner (ordered, not leaving the house, of course), and maybe a bit of lazy, just-because-you're-there snuggling. But you'll never get past that. Like the "friend zone" the "bed buddy zone" is not one easily escaped. To do so, one has to have a lot more than a good sex game.

Third Class Fuck Buddy (The fuck and drop)-
This is the "buddy" you call right after a break up, or just a bad day at work/school. S/he may be desperate enough to think there is some slight chance that you two will be together future and hanging on your every word, or just someone who's lonely, and you can take advantage of. Either way, this will never be a full time relationship. You fuck every day for a good week, then, when YOU'RE emotionally ready, you dump them, ready for a real relationship, or just someone better (someone who'd first or second class).

Fourth Class Fuck Buddy (The booty call)-
This person means nothing. It's not even sex that has you calling them back... it's just the fact that you can. This person can be summoned at anyhow of the night with nothing more than a "Baby, let's fuck.". They'll hang on words like baby, babe, my love, sex, beautiful, and cutie, as they are desperate for attention. Eventually, you grew tired of them, and leave, but they never take it well at first.

How do I know about all of these? Because I've been, or had all of them at least once.

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