Today, I went to my regular nail salon where I get my bikini waxes, to make an appointment. A woman, about my age,turns to me, and like many women, asks me, "Why do you bother waxing? Doesn't it hurt?" Well, yes, yes it does. It hurts like a bitch, even if you pop a pain reliever two hours before (which I suggest). But I do it because I like the feeling. Sure my lovers enjoy it too (my Italian lover loves to go down on me & prefers that I'm completely bare) but I have been shaving "down there " since I was quite young. I think it's quite sexy to feel your lover's hands running over you're sex...
If you don't go bare regularly, I dare you to surprise your man. What I suggest you do is buy some Nair for bikini areas. If you don't want to go totally bare, you can do what I call the "landing strip", which is when there is a strip of hair that covers your "girly lips", as my mother puts it. I have heard that the landing patch is healthiest, as the hair down there keeps out bacteria. I'm too much of a whore to care, apparently, but it is definitely something to keep in mind. Make sure to trim your landing strip using hair stylist scissors.
I promise you, when you lover comes behind you, reaches into your panties, and feels you bare, and toally unguarded for him... he won't know what to do.
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